Indian Temples Search


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Trichambaram Krishna temple

Historically, literary sources state that this temple was in existence in the 11th century CE. It has been renovated several times. Like many other temples in the region it underwent destruction at the hands of invaders and was renovated in the late eighteenth century.

The Trichambaram Krishna temple is a small one, with a two storeyed sanctum with four projecting gables on a pyramidal roof. The sanctum has beautiful carvings and murals from the 15th and 16th centuries.

In the temple complex, is also a tank with a shrine to Durga in the center.

Legends: Like many other temples in Kerala, this temple is said to have been installed by Parasurama. This temple is said to enshrine Krishna, exhibiting jubilation upon destroying the demon Kamsan. Prior to this, Kamsan had bid his royal tusker Kuvalayapidam to attack Krishna and Krishna had killed the attacking elephant.

In keeping with this legend, elephants are a taboo at this temple, despite the fact that elephants form an integral part of the fanfare that accompanies festivities in all Keralite temples.

Festivals: The annual festival at this temple is celebrated in the malayalam month of Kumbham. On the first day of the festival, an image of Balarama is brought into the temple from the nearby Dharmakulangara temple. Images of Krishna and Balarama are carried by priests who dance to the accompaniment of drums. Festivities are held for ten nights in a row. On the final day of the festival, the scene of Balarama bidding farewell to his brother Krishna is enacted (in a manner similar to the Vaikom festival).

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